
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Waters Quality:)

 In class, we have been learning to navigate our way through texts, to bring us to a conclusion. To help us with our navigating we use the clues in the text. This involves titles, subheadings, diagrams, graphs, photographs, and lead sentences. Honestly, it was a bit challenging when it came to putting all my information into an answer.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Fraction Action :D

 It's exactly what the title says, Fraction Action. We were given a task to solve, which involved sorting fractions from largest to smallest. Below are my workings. 

Finishing It Off:)

 In class, we read a story. Thirst to be exact. The author left us on a cliff-hanger- the title should give you a hint as to what this is about- so we were allocated to make an ending.  I was told to put down what I think I'm good at, so I've written it beside this sentence... Everything. Kidding.

What I think I'm doing well at: descriptive words, personification, and sentence types.
What I need to work on: Show-not-tell.

As her parents continued to interrogate her, Brooke began feeling pressured. She didn’t know much about how her brother got the water, all she knew was what Ryder had told her earlier. “There’s enough water, you can have a shower. No one will know.” So she repeated those words to her father. He marched out the door roaring Ryder’s name. Half-an-hour, of calling her son, later worry began climbing through their mother’s thoughts.

The three set out to search the surroundings of their humble abode; the house was slowly crumbling to pieces. Trekking through the dry, parched leaves that danced through the buoyant breeze, panicking thoughts drove through each of their minds. Could he be lost? What if he hurt himself? Meanwhile, Ryder stood in the middle of the woods trying to find his home. His eyes caught a glimpse of fabric rushing through the rough, dark woodland. “Mum!” he squealed in victory.

Charging towards the figure, he enveloped her in his arms. Tears of guilt scurried down his cheeks, which were now covered in scratches. “I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have taken the water. I’ll do anything, I'm so sorry,” her eyes traveled down to her son’s face; it was a pitiful sight. “I understand why you did it, but something like this cannot be forgiven easily… You will do three months worth of work for the Carters.'' She left no room for argument. “Okay. I’ll do it,” Ryder spoke as a frown of determination sat on his face. Brooke and their father came rushing towards the two. Seeing his son cry during this hard time made his father’s heart throb. Brooke and Joshua (father) embraced their family in a bone-crushing hug. As the bundle of four shared a heartwarming moment, even the clouds cried tears of joy.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

How Can You Stay Healthy? :)

 These past two weeks, our topic in health is *drum roll* physical health, yup. In a slide, you should see it below, I've typed ways both you and I can stay physically healthy.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Shape Murder Mystery

When one of our beloved shapes is murdered, it is up to us to find the criminal at fault for this death. using attributes given to us by our teacher, our class, works with a partner to find the delinquent guilty. only a few were able to figure it out. I am proud to say that I am one of those few.  With the help of my trustworthy sidekick, Dechei, we got it right. below is my response to it.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

An Extension Of Forgiveness

These past two days have partially been about an article, Embracing Forgiveness, after reading the text we were instructed to respond to it. Below you will catch sight of my reading response.

This activity was enjoyable, my next step is to improve my capability of summarising.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Hatchet; a story about a 13 year old's trauma.

 In class, I read a book, Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. Lately, I have been thinking deeper into the book. What is the author's message?  Today myself and one-third of my class, have each written an individual draft on what we think the message could be. Here is mine...

Daizaleah Marupo

Hatchet Novel Response

Hatchet is a fiction novel that revolves around survival, Gary Paulsen is the author of this book. But the question is, what is the message of this book? What is the author trying to tell his readers? Is there a message? So many questions are swimming in my mind; and I have a few ideas on what the answers could be.

There is evidence in the text that shows a few of my ideas: independence, responsibility and determination. Chapter 16, page 147 Brian -the protagonist- has just witnessed a fierce, merciless whirlwind. It takes out his shelter, his temporary home. Determined, Brian thinks “Is that the best you can do?” Later in the book it shows that Brian rebuilds his shelter using his surrounding resources; this proves my point of independence and responsibility.

Perseverance, my next idea. Hatchet has a lot of evidence surrounding perseverance, one of many being in page 118, Brian is attempting to capture a fish. Brian made many mistakes while trying to catch the fish, but that's what is pushing him to persevere. Brian knows he makes mistakes; he learns from them. After many failed attempts Brian remembers something, something useful. He had learnt in school that water refracts, bends light. Now that he knows this he improves his strategy and succeeds his mission.

I think there are many messages to this book. Everyone has a different view of this book and what the message is. I have shown mine, but there are others who have a different train of thoughts. For all I know the author could have an entirely different message to mine.