
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

My Maths poster

 lately, we ( prime 3 & 4 ) have been focusing on solving problems with decimals the main thing we have been using when solving a decimal equation is regrouping here is my maths poster ps. we have made these posters to remember the strategies...


  1. Great to see you are flying with blogging Daizaleah. When you do maths posters, try use a word story AND explain in your words if there are any parts to your strategy that can get tricky. Such as if you were subtracting 34.7 from 234.98 - what is important to remember?

  2. Hi Daizaleah great to see you doing a good job on your maths poster and your good strategys that you did on your maths poster next time someone needs help on how to do strategys you can help them is because you know them.
